Edu Briefcase

This page contains all the features that enable you to communicate with the users who are registered in the university or with external contacts by sending and receiving emails, in addition to uploading the files you want, etc.


 The coming sections discuss in detail all the actions you can perform through this menu.

Edu Mail

Through these pages you view your inbox, send and receive messages, manage your contacts, and organize your emails in folders, etc.

New Message

To send a new message, follow these steps:

  1. Click New Message,
  2. Enter the address of the message recipient in the "To" field. Several buttons are available to help you enter predefined addresses, as follows:
  1. Click the checkbox next to the required recipient and under the “To” field if the message is directed to him, or in the “Cc” field if you want him to receive a copy, or in the “Bcc” field if you do not want to show his email address to the other recipients, then click [Ok].
  1. Click the checkbox next to the required group, then click [Ok].
  1. Click the checkbox next to the required group, then click [Ok].
  1. Enter the subject of your email,
  2. Enter the content of your message in its specified area, you can control the appearance of the content using the tools in the advanced editor toolbar,
  1. Click [Browse];
  2. Select the file you want to attach,
  3. Click [Open],
  4. Click [Upload],
  1. Set the message’s priority by clicking the arrow in the priority icon,
  2. Click Send to send the message to the selected recipient(s).

To delete the attached file, click Delete next to it. You can attach more files to the message by repeating the previous steps.


Through this folder you can receive messages from users who are registered in the university or from external contacts, reply to these messages, forward them, and organize them in folders to easily retrieve them later, etc.

To view a certain message’s content, click the link that represents its subject;

The page shows the message’s content as entered by its sender, and the files attached to it, if any. To view an attachment, click the link that represents its title. To print the message, click [Print].

You can reply the message, send it to other users, or delete it, etc.

1. Reply to Message

To reply to a message you have received, follow these steps:

  1. Click [Reply] to send your reply only to the sender or [Reply to all] to send it to all contacts who received the message;
  2. Enter the additional recipient(s) address,
  3. Enter your reply in its specified area,
  4. Click [Send].

2. Forward Message

You can forward a certain message to other users who have not received it, to enable them to view its content by following these steps:

  1. Click [Forward];
  2. Enter the recipient(s) address,
  3. Enter your message,
  4. Click [Send].

3. delete Message

To delete a message you no longer need, follow these steps:

  1. Click the checkbox next to the message to be deleted,
  2. Click [delete];

To cancel the deletion process, click [No].

  1. Click [Yes].

Deleted messages are moved to Deleted Items folder, so you can either retrieve them or permanently delete them.

  1. Click the checkbox next to the message you want; you can select more than one message at the same time,
  2. Select the folder to which you want to move the message from the menu.
  1. Click the checkbox next to the message you want,
  2. Click [Read].

To mark a message as unread, click the checkbox next to it, then click [Unread]. Note that the message you have marked as unread appears highlighted.

My Folders

This feature allows you to organize your sent and received messages and store them in folders, so you can easily retrieve and view them. For example, you can save all messages you receive from your colleagues in a folder named “Colleagues”.

You can view your inbox, sent items, deleted items, and your draft messages; also, you can perform several operations on these messages, and upload files from your personal computer, etc.

To empty the deleted items folder, follow these steps:

  1. Click Empty next to the folder;
  2. Click [YES]; to empty the deleted items, or click [No]; to cancel the deletion process.

1. Add Folder

To add a new folder, follow these steps:

  1. Click [Add Folder];
  2. Enter the folder’s name,
  3. Click [Save]; a message -informing you that the folder has been added successfully- appears,
  4. Click [Back]; the folder you have added.

Note that two links appear next to the folder you have added to enable you to rename or delete it, as discussed next.

2. Rename Folder

To rename a folder you have added, follow these steps:

  1. Click Rename next to the folder you want;
  2. Enter the changes you want to make to the folder’s name,
  3. Click [Save]; a message -informing you that the folder has been updated successfully- appears,
  4. Click [Back].

3. Delete Folder

To delete a folder you have added earlier, follow these steps:

  1. Click Delete next to the required folder;
  2. Click [Yes];
  3. Click [Back].

4. Deleted Items

All deleted messages are saved in this folder, so you can retrieve any of them, reuse it, or permanently delete it.

Click Deleted Items; the page shows the messages you have deleted earlier, for each one the priority, whether it has attachments or not, sender, date, and size appear. You can forward any message, reply, view, delete, and move it to another folder, etc.

  1. Click the checkbox next to the required message(s),
  2. Click [Delete];
  3. Click [Yes]. The message is deleted permanently from the database.

5. Drafts

Another important feature in the EduWave mailing system is the Drafts folder, it displays all the messages you have saved earlier so you can retrieve any of them any time you want, modify its content, send it, delete it, or move it to another folder, etc.

Click Drafts; the page shows the messages you have saved, for each one the recipient, whether it has attachments or not, date, and size appear. You can open any of the listed messages by clicking the link that represents its subject; also, you can modify its content, send it, mark it as read or unread, or move it to another folder, to return to the previous page,

click [Back].

6. Sent Items

All messages you have sent, to the users registered in the university or to external contacts, are saved in this folder, so you can resend them to other users, reply to these messages, and organize them in folders to easily retrieve them later.

Click Sent Items; the page shows the messages you have sent, for each one the recipient’s name or user name, whether it has attachments or not, date, and size appear. You can open any of the listed messages by clicking the link that represents its subject, forward it, mark it as read or unread, delete it, or move it to another folder, etc., as discussed earlier.

You can use [Next], which appears only if you are not on the last message, to directly open the next message, and [Previous] to open the previous one, and it appears only if you are not on the first message.

You can reply to the message or forward it by following the same steps.


This page allows you to define your contacts to whom you send emails; these contacts could be external contacts or users registered in the university.

The contacts you add appear when you click [Address book] or Book icon next to one of the recipient’s fields “To, Cc, Bcc” in the New Message page.

Click Contacts; The page lists the contacts you have added, for each one the email address, job title, telephone number, and address appear. You can add more contacts, edit, or delete any of the listed ones, as discussed next.

1. Add Contact

To add a new contact, follow these steps:

  1. Click [Add contact];
  2. Enter the contact’s name, email address, and address, each in its field,
  3. Enter the telephone number and the job title, each in its field,
  4. Click [Save].

2. Edit Contact

To edit any contact’s information, follow these steps:

  1. Click Edit next to the required contact;
  2. Enter the changes you want to make to any of the displayed information,
  3. Click (Save).

3. Delete Contact

To delete a certain contact, follow these steps:

  1. Click the checkbox next to the contact(s) to be deleted,
  2. Click (Delete)
  3. To cancel the deletion process, click (No).
  4. Click (Yes).

Personal Groups

Through this page you can organize the contacts you have previously added into groups usually of the same type, such as Students, Friends, etc. This process facilitates entering the message’s recipients and sending it to them at the same time.

This feature is used when sending a new message by clicking [Personal group] without the need to enter each recipient’s email address separately.

Click Personal Groups; The page lists the groups you have added; you can add more groups, add their members, edit, or delete any of the listed ones, as discussed next.

1. Add Group

To add a personal group, follow these steps:

  1. Click [Add group]; the page lists the contacts’ names and email addresses you have added in the Contacts page.
    To return to the previous page, click [Back],
  2. Enter the group’s name,
  3. Click the checkbox next to the name of the contact(s) you want to include in the group,
  4. Click [Save].

2. Edit Group

To edit a certain group, follow these steps:

  1. Click Edit Group next to the required group; The page shows the group’s name and its contacts; note that the checkbox next to the contacts who belong to the selected group appears checked.
    To remove a contact from the group, click the checkbox next to his name to remove the check from it. To return to the previous page, click [Back].
  2. Enter the changes you want to make to any of the displayed information as discussed in the previous section,
  3. Click [Save].

3. Delete Group

To delete a personal group, follow these steps:

  1. Click the checkbox next to the group to be deleted,
  2. Click [Delete];
  3. To cancel the deletion process, click [No].
  4. Click [Yes].

Note that deleting the group does not delete its contacts; you can still use them in other groups